My name is Katica and I'm the owner of Little Tots Learning. Besides creating educational resources, Little Tots Learning has read-aloud videos on Youtube and Dailymotion.
I specialize in educational resources
for teachers and parents with children in #primary and #secondary grades. Also, I'm a graphic designer and photographer. I have clip art, digital papers, and digital photos for your next project.
My name is Katica and I'm the owner of Little Tots Learning. Besides creating educational resources, Little Tots Learning has read-aloud videos on Youtube and Dailymotion.
I specialize in educational resources
for teachers and parents with children in #primary and #secondary grades. Also, I'm a graphic designer and photographer. I have clip art, digital papers, and digital photos for your next project.
Flags of the World: 135 world flags. World Flags Clip Art for your Classroom's Olympic and Patriotic themes!
This Flags of the World MEGA PACK contains 135 high-quality COLOR Clip Art images in individual files. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Flags of the World Clip Art set includes:
Algeria, Antigua, Armenia, Bulgaria, Colombia, Congo, Chile, Chad, France, Gambia, Jordan, Mali, Pakistan, Panama, Spain, Thailand, Tonga, Trinidad, Vietnam, Yemen, and more.
These international flags are perfect for educational projects and teaching resources.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
You might also be interested in the following:
Flags of the World: 151 World Flags Clip Art 1
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Animals Clip Art - Farm Animals, Wild Animals, Forest & Aquatic. These images are GREAT for teachers, parents, classroom lessons, websites, scrapbooking, print projects, blogs, and more.
This MEGA PACK contains 97 high-quality COLOR and BLACK & WHITE Animals Clip Art - Farm Animals, Wild Animals, Forest and Aquatic images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Animals Clip Art - Farm Animals, Wild Animals, Forest and Aquatic set includes:
a barn owl, bears, birds, blue fish, brontosaurs, butterfly, bull, bumblebee, camel, cheetah, cow, dog, dragon, eagle, earl bird, flamingo, giraffe, goat, horse, hyena, lamb, lion, monkey, mosquito, panda, penguin, pig, rabbit, rat, shark, skunk, swan, tortoise and the hare, tiger, turtle, whale, zebra, and more...
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
United States Map Clip Art. STUNNING maps of the United States, Regions, Time Zones, and Zip Codes for classroom learning activities.
This MEGA PACK contains 134 high-quality COLOR U.S. Maps Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This U.S. Maps Clip Art set includes:
All 50 States (two different images for each state - one image is highlighted and the other is extra-dimensional) - (no labels), regions (no labels), time zones (no labels), and U.S. maps (no labels), and zip codes (no labels), Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, U.S. rivers, Rocky Mountains, Southwest, West Coast, and more...
These United States Map graphics are PERFECT for making teaching resources, worksheets, school projects, and more!
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online or other.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Classroom Decor Clip Art. Add graphics to your next project, whether it's for school or home!
This MEGA PACK contains 237 high-quality COLOR and BLACK & WHITE Classroom Decor Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Classroom Decor Clip Art set includes:
algebra book, dictionary, literature book, blackboard, atlas, hand drawing, origami, x and y axis, test tube, team, tutor, beakers, stencils, lecture, my teacher, art tools, magnet, precipitation, orbit, pangea and more!
Personal and limited commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Road Signs Clip Art. This ROAD SIGNS Clip Art collection offers illustrations of road signs that show rules and regulations that are observed while driving to ensure safety.
This PACK contains 35 high-quality COLOR Road Signs Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Road Signs Clip Art set includes:
dead end, detour, reserved parking for handicap, keep right, no dumping, do not enter (2), no parking tow away zone, no parking any time, no parking fire lane, authorized vehicles only, no parking loading zone, no parking between signs (2), no thru traffic, no trespassing, no U-turn, one way (4), slow (2), speed limit 25, speed limit 55, speed limit 65, stop sign (2), blank street sign, visitors parking, winding road, wrong way, yield (2).
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Community Helpers Clip Art. Need some Community Helpers Clip Art to decorate your seller products or for classroom materials? If so, you’ve come to the right place!
This Community Helpers Clip Art set includes:
87 high-quality COLOR and BLACK & WHITE Community Helpers Clip Art images for your personal or limited commercial use. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Community Helpers Clip Art set includes:
brick layers, police officer, x-ray technician, welder, watch repair, pharmacist, surgeon, salesman, architect, auto mechanic, bus driver, design engineer, doctor, fireman, judge, mailman, newscaster, and more.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Dinosaur Clip Art. Kids love dinosaurs! This MEGA PACK contains 32 high-quality COLOR Dinosaur Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Dinosaur Clip Art package includes a set of Dinosaur Clip Art: Iguanodon, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Archaeptoryx, Ankylosaurus, Diplodocus, and more.
Instant Digital Download - 1 ZIP folder included All items are saved individually and compressed into one zip folder. Please make sure you have the right software to open and use these file formats before you purchase.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Family Clip Art - Multicultural - Family Scenes Clip Art. Family Clip Art from babies to grandparents. These images are GREAT for classroom resources, websites, blogs, and more.
This set contains 66 high-quality COLOR and BLACK & WHITE Family Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Family Clip Art set includes:
-various family members: a baby, parents, grandparents, and siblings
-characters engaged in family activities: siblings playing on the beach, playing in the snow, family eating dinner, grandmother reading to her granddaughter, family packing for a trip, grandfather fishing with his grandson, and more...
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Anatomy Clip Art. The human body is the most fascinating and fantastic machine in existence. No one understands all of its many mysteries; and no single source can do justice to its many parts.
This Anatomy Clip Art set includes:
stomach, spine, skeleton, renal system, ear, gall bladder, cell division, fetus, endocrine, digestive, kidney, knee, liver, head, and more...
Make the anatomy study fun with this realistic anatomy clip art. This set Includes 21 high-quality color and black and white Anatomy Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Do your students know:
-that more than half the bones in the human body are in the hands and feet?
-the highest recorded "sneeze speed" is 165 km (102 miles) per hour?
-the heart beats about 3 billion times in the average person's lifetime?
-a newborn baby has 350 bones, but a fully-grown adult has only 206?
-blood is a liquid organ?
-everyone is colorblind at birth?
-the surface area of the lungs is approximately the same size as a tennis court?
-food will get to your stomach even if you're standing on your head? -skin is the largest body organ?
-the average adult is made up of 100 trillion cells?
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Dog Clip Art. Little Tots Learning Dog Clip Art delivered straight to your front door!
CHECK-OUT this bundle of 26 high-quality COLOR Dog Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Dog Clip Art set includes:
Bassett, Boxer, Bulldog, Chow, Hound, Poodle, Shar Pei, Whippet, and more.
This Dog Clip Art BUNDLE includes everything you need to create wonderful TPT seller products, classroom projects, or for personal use.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Numbers Clip Art. Little Tots Learning Numbers Clip Art set makes learning fun and engaging for students. In addition, great for teachers making products covers, printables, and activities. Great resource for the classroom!
This MEGA PACK contains 98 high-quality COLOR and BLACK & WHITE Numbers Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Numbers Clip Art set includes:
9 sets of numbers (0-9), and dollar symbols for each of the patterns you see in the cover preview image.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Alphabet Letters: Alphabet Clip Art. Use these STUNNING Alphabet Letters to brighten up your TpT products or classroom materials.
This MEGA PACK contains 130 high-quality COLOR and Black & White Alphabet Letter Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
26 Uppercase Letters (A-Z) in 5 different Font Styles = 130 letters to mix and match.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
You may also be interested in the following:
Numbers Clip Art
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Cartoon Clip Art. WELCOME to our Cartoon category of Little Tots Learning's Clip Art! Save with a bundle! Use these STUNNING Cartoon images to brighten up your TES products or classroom materials.
This PACK contains 218 high-quality COLOR & Black & White Cartoon Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Cartoon Clip Art set includes:
a man zooming in the air, yikes, yes you can, yelling, writing, wizard, witches, who me, police writing a ticket, swimmer, super guy hero, space walk, child rolling a big snowball, German person, Mexican person, juggler, Japanese person, hiker, person lying in a hammock, ghoul, gardener, French person, farmer, Eskimo, elderly person, dwarf, Dutch person, clowns, caveman, Bozo the clown, biker, asteroid, artist, Arab person, alien, and more.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Sports Clip Art. CALLING ALL SPORTS FANS! Sports/Equipment Clip Art images for teachers, classroom lessons, websites, scrapbooking, print projects, blogs, and more.
I'm EXCITED to offer Little Tots Learning's MEGA BUNDLE set of 523 high-quality Color and Black & White Sports Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Sports Clip Art set includes:
archer, athletes, award winner, badminton, balls, ballet, bowler, bowling ball, boxer, basketball courts, fields, cricket, croquet, curling, cycling, darts, discus, diving, golfer, gymnast, Indy car, kayak, marathon, paddle boating, parachuting, polo, pool, quarter back (football), racquetball, referee (7), rock climbing, sailing, soccer, table tennis, water skiing, and more.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Famous Landmarks of the World Clip Art. The art of architecture is indeed an art form in and of itself.
These Famous Landmarks of the World Clip Art contains 131 images of various types of landmarks for your classroom resources, website, blogs, and more…
This BUNDLE contains 131 high-quality COLOR and BLACK and White Famous Landmarks of the World Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Famous Landmarks of the World Clip Art set includes:
Abby, apartment, capitol, coliseum, cottage, Eiffel Tower, farmhouse, hotel, igloo, industrial, log cabin, mansion, pyramids, Roman, steeple, Taj Mahal, Tudor, turret, Buckingham Palace, teepee, Kremlin Palace, monastery, Leaning Tower of Pisa, and much more…
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clipart, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Follow Little Tots Learning
Animal Alphabet. Little Tots Learning presents this wonderful eBook which includes all twenty-six letters of the alphabet and an animal for each one. STUNNING illustrations add just the right amount of fun, while the text will surely provide entertainment and education to a wide range of readers.
In addition, it encourages inquisitive minds, while teaching the basics of the alphabet, sight words, and sentences to youngsters.
This Animal Alphabet eBook includes:
-Alphabet chart
-Table of contents: unique names given to each animal
-Sight words
-Simple sentences
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Health Clip Art. LOOKING for images to use with your presentations and educational materials? CHECK-OUT this collection of Health Clip Art.
This PACK contains 136 high-quality COLOR and BLACK & WHITE Health Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Health Clip Art set includes:
ambulance (2), appointments, babies, baby in a scale, back injury, beakers, bike riding, aerobics, baby bottle, breast feeding, man walking with a cane, check-up (2), dentist (2), doctor, dosage, dropper, embryo, exercise, fetus, doctor flying, first-aid, Gerber baby, giving blood, heart, heart beat, hospital, immunization, inhaler, injured, maternity, nurse (3), pregnant, sick, stethoscope, stork, thermometer, wheel chair, x-ray, and more...
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Street Signs Clip Art - Famous Street Signs Clip Art. Although most cities have thousands of streets, one or two streets always become to be better known than any other. Famous Streets Clip Art can be used for teacher resources, parents, classroom lessons, websites, print projects, blogs, and more.
This PACK contains 67 high-quality COLOR Street Signs Clip Art - Famous Street Signs Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Street Signs Clip Art - Famous Street Signs Clip Art set includes:
42nd street, A1A, Alexanderplatz, AutoBahn, Avenue George V, Bourbon St. Broadway, Burbank Ave., Avenue Champs-Elysees Damrak, Bahnhofstrasse, Piazza San Marco, Zeil, Worth Ave., Vaclavske Namersti Wenceslas Square, Via Del Corso, Terrace, Piccadilly Circus, and more.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Playing Cards Clip Art. Looking for playing card images? You can use these playing cards clip art for your personal or classroom resources.
This PACK contains 65 high-quality COLOR and B/W Playing Cards Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
This Playing Cards Clip Art set includes:
All fours suits (hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades) along with bridge club, poker, nines, and a hand of nothing.
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning
Math Symbols Clip Art. Do you need Math Clip Art Symbols to SPICE up your math presentations for your students or add some interest to your worksheets? Create worksheets, flashcards, posters, games, newsletters, and more with this bundle.
This BUNDLE contains 67 high-quality black and white Math Symbols Clip Art images. Images saved at 300dpi in PNG files.
Math Symbols Clip Art set includes:
-math element
-square root
-approximate equal
-at sign
-empty set
-there exists
-greater than
-less than
-number sign
-right angle
-and more...
Personal or commercial use. Copyright remains with Little Tots Learning.
This is intended for use by one teacher in one classroom. It is not to be redistributed to an entire school or district. It may not be redistributed or sold online.
If you are interested in business or personal clip art, please contact me at
Thanks for taking the time to stop by my store!
Ms. Blajic
Little Tots Learning